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Avoid an Infestation of Brown Recluse Spiders in and around Nashville, TN

February 21, 2024

With temperatures in Tennessee creeping up into the high 90’s, even sometimes the 100’s, not only are our day-to-day routines affected, it is also creating an inhabitable environment for the bugs and pests living amongst us. One more popular than most being the brown recluse spider. The brown recluse spider can go up to six to twelve months without eating but with the high temperatures and lack of available water, the brown recluse spiders find their way in our homes through hitchhiking through furniture, cars, boxes etc. Once they have made their way into your home, brown recluses are often difficult to control and remove from any structure. Though hundreds of brown recluses may be present in a house, they may not be easily observed because of their nocturnal habits. Therefore, if you see one brown recluse spider, chances are there are many more that you haven’t seen yet.

Egg laying season lasts from April to July, and a female recluse can produce 150 or more spider lings in a year and up to five egg sacs in her lifetime. Thus, a single female making her way into your home, business or garage is enough to be considered an infestation — a fact that may compel people who are moving around or from recluse spider territory to check their belongings before they leave. Keep your home from becoming infested with Total Pest Solutions, LLC.

February 21, 2024
Mice are so charming with those little noses that jerk and adorable minimal pink feet. A few people even have mice as pets. They love watching them as they go around in their wheel, again and again. Individuals with mice as pets for the most part keep them in an enclosure and care for them, so they are not a risk to a family unit. In addition, pet mice are reared explicitly for that reason and are kept from the sicknesses that wild mice are inclined to. 'Genuine' (wild) mice that enter your home excluded can be very risky to you, your home and your family. They come in searching for cover, nourishment, water, and warmth. Your home gives the entirety of this and more for a frantic mouse, yet they can harm your home and make you wiped out. One significant reality about mice is that they like to bite on things to hone their teeth. Your electrical wires, whenever bit, can start a fire and create a great deal of harm. They additionally are known to convey ailments, and when they leave their droppings around your home, that can be exceptionally perilous for people and pets. Basic ailments spread by mice incorporate salmonella, hantavirus, rodent nibble fever, and the plague. You will need to keep them from entering your home by obstructing all possible openings. You have to fill in all splits, openings, cleft, and holes. A few mice can fit through a gap the size of a dime, so you will need to be careful. Examine outside vents, dividers, and window and door jambs and seal these purposes of passage. Examine storm cellars and attics too, supplanting or fixing all vent screens and edges that are harmed. And, after its all said and done, you will need to tidy up spills immediately and maybe put out snares. Be that as it may, toxic snares can be risky around your home. Clingy lure traps may get a couple of mice, yet they breed so rapidly that you will never stretch out beyond the issue. Traps that you put cheddar or nutty spread on that snap on the mouse when he eats can be distressing. These snares now and again get them, yet not slaughter them. Moreover, these snares will just catch a couple of the various mice that live in your home. You can likewise keep all heaps of wood, brush, and other mess away from your home. Keeping the mice that like to live in them further away may keep them from finding a path in. At the point when it is altogether said and done, you will need to free the mice from your home here in the Nashville and Middle Tennessee area and keep them out with proficient nuisance control offered by  Total Pest Solutions, LLC  . We will utilize items and techniques that are alright for you, your family, and your home while keeping out mice.
February 21, 2024
With the change of seasons, the kids are out to play and so are the insects. Carpenter bees, centipedes and the bully of all bugs- wasps. The most commonly known wasps, such as yellowjackets and hornets, are eusocial, living together in a nest with an egg-laying queen and non-reproducing workers. Many wasps attack and sting prey items that they use as food for their larvae. Most predatory wasps paralyze their prey in their natural hunting grounds which is what causes the lingering, on-going pain that comes from their stings. Wasps burrow in your gutters, crevices around the house and soffits. They are attracted to the beautiful flowers that we all naturally plant for the season change. The worst part about these menaces of the insect world is that they are drawn to the same places we are, such as our patios for summer picnics. Anywhere that drink or food residue may linger is where the wasps are the most active above all others. Our trash cans heat up in this Nashville heat and cause the smell of garbage to become more potent and stronger; this draws in pests that wasps love to feast on, especially spiders. Their aggressive behavior makes them the most difficult to exterminate because any level of threat you inflict upon them immediately causes a swarm. Protect the quality time you could have with your children, neighbors and yard work in Nashville, TN and surrounding areas with  Total Pest Solutions, LLC  .
February 21, 2024
With the seasons changing, spiders and mice may be more reluctant to come into your home. Mice and spiders are entering homes looking for food and shelter. Spiders like to hide in dark and dusty spaces in your home. They usually enter through doors, windows, air vents, and any other possible openings. They can get through unfilled holes and cracks where cables, plumbing lines, and pipes are located. Female spiders can lay as many as 250 eggs. No one wants a spider to reproduce in their homes because it will lead to a bigger infestation!! It is best to take care of infestations as soon as possible. Here at  Total Pest Solutions, LLC  we can keep your home clean of infestations of spiders! Homes are the perfect place to have a mice infestation. It is the perfect living space for these animals. As fall is approaching the weather is getting colder which means mice need a warm shelter to avoid the colder weather. If you don’t tidy up properly then you have more of a chance of mice getting in your home. In order to prevent mice from coming into your home we have to close all possible openings, which could be even the smallest of cracks. Here at  Total Pest Solutions, LLC  we have all the equipment and techniques to get mice out of your home and prevent them coming back in!
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